Tilesetter Partner App Form

Welcome to our Tilesetter Partner Form. Before you start to fill the form, please make sure you have the following documents available, and please email them to admin@thetileexperts.ca:
  • WCB Clearance Letter
  • Certificate of Insurance
  • Safety Policy and/or Safety Manual (if you have one)
  • Tickets, certifications, licenses

"*" indicates required fields

At the Tile Experts Ltd, our mission is to create a sense of awe in everything we do. We are committed to organizing our efforts with precision, embracing flexibility to adapt to dynamic challenges, fostering open and transparent communication, treating every individual with the utmost respect, and continuously striving for mastery in our respective fields.

Contact Person's Name*

Request An Estimate

Are you looking to get an estimate? This form will help us predetermine the amount of work prior to coming to your house / job site to see the work you want done. Please fill out the form below as accurately as you are able to and we will contact you as soon as possible.

"*" indicates required fields

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Do You Want to Expedite Your Estimate Request?