New Build in Alberta Avenue

This job consisted of three shower/tub surrounds, three bathroom floors and a laundry floor. All of the 12×24 tile was laid in stacked pattern. The wall tile was set using Versabond Mortar, where as the floor tile was set using 253 Gold Laticrete Mortar. To finish, it was grouted using a high performance, stain resistant Prism Grout. 11750687_871751186246234_2397750177600414410_n-1  11755272_871751252912894_3600075482280612648_n 11760221_871751222912897_4986465698482937915_n   11800367_871751312912888_7888578474600265651_n   11061678_871751206246232_7061809643942131073_n 11703188_871751326246220_4601973990614517798_n

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