New Build in Glenora

This is a gorgeous new build we did in the Glenora neighbourhood. The ensuite shower is laid with 3×6 subway tile in a 50/50 brick lay pattern on the walls, ceiling, bench, and pony wall and the floor is laid with a marble mosaic tile. Before installation a Kerdi Membrane was put in  for waterproofing. Both the Kerdi Membrane and the tile was set using Premium Plus Mortar. The bathroom floor, as well as the laundry room floor, have a 6×48 tile set with VersaBond LFT Mortar in a 60/40 staggered pattern.

The one of the other bathrooms upstairs has a floor-to-ceiling tub surround. It was laid with a 3×6 glossy, dark subway tile in a 50/50 brick lay pattern and set using Versabond Mortar. The floor for this bathroom is a 12×24 marble tile in a 60/40 staggered pattern set with 253 Gold Laticrete Mortar.

The other bathroom upstairs has a simple stand up shower with 3×6 subway tile in a 50/50 bricklay pattern. This tile is set using VersaBond Mortar. The bathroom floor is a 12×24 marble tile in a 60/40 staggered pattern using 253 Gold Laticrete Mortar.

The continuous back entrance to bathroom floor, basement bar floor are a 12×24 tile in a 60/40 staggered pattern set with 253 Gold Laticrete Mortar.

The kitchen backsplash has a beautiful Baroque mosaic and is set with ReliaBond Tile Adhesive.

Lastly, the basement bathroom has a floor-to-ceiling shower surround of 4×16 subway tile in a 50/50 brick lay pattern set with Versabond Mortar. The bathroom floor is the 12×24 tile in the 60/40 staggered pattern set with 253 Gold Laticrete Mortar.

Once all areas of the house were completed it was grouted using a high performance, stain resistant Prism Grout.


Kitchen Basckasplashes


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