
Prism Grout – #640 Arctic White 17 lbs

Original price was: $62.30.Current price is: $59.19.

Prism Ultimate Performance Grout sets a new standard in cement based grout technology. Prism’s calcium Aluminate cement based, latex polymer-modified formula offers consistent color with no shading regardless of tile type, temperature or humidity, and it will not effloresce.



Custom Building Products – Sanded Grout Prism Color Consistent #640 Artic White 17 lbs

Prism Ultimate Performance Grout sets a new standard in cement based grout technology. Prism’s calcium Aluminate cement based, latex polymer-modified formula offers consistent color with no shading regardless of tile type, temperature or humidity, and it will not effloresce. The rapid setting formula results in high early strength and dense grout joints up to 1/2″. A unique blend of lightweight recycled glass and fine aggregate sand allows for a smooth consistency that is easy to spread and clean.

Uniform consistent color
Won’t mottle or shade regardless of tile type, temperature or humidity
No efflorescence
Lightweight for superior handling
Fast setting, walkable in four hours
No sealer required

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