Renovation in Highlands

In beginning this bathroom we used the Kerdi Membrane to create a waterproof barrier between the tile and the drywall. We set this using the Premium Plus Mortar. After doing so, we installed the bathroom floor tile using self-leveling clips to ensure no lippage. Next we installed the wall tile, which extended out to and entire wall feature on the back wall and the pony wall, as well as half way up in the rest of the bathroom. All the 12×24 tile in this bathroom was set using Premium Plus Mortar in a 70/30 staggered pattern. The owner asked for a waterfall mosaic as well as a bright mosaic for the shower floor to add a pop of color. In the upstairs of this house the kitchen floor was completed using 12×24 tiles in a 70/30 staggered pattern and was set with VersaBond Thin-Set. The kitchen backsplash was designed using 6×24 tile as well as a mosaic insert and was set using ReliaBond Tile Adhesive. The house was grouted with high performance, stain resistant Prism Grout.


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