Renovation in McConachie

For this basement bathroom we installed a 12×24 tile shower surround, bathroom floor,  and 3×6 subway tile vanity splash. All tile was laid in the same pattern, 50/50 brick lay. The vanity was set using ReliaBond Tile Adhesive, and grouted using a specialty Mapei FlexColor Grout. For the shower surround, we first had to install a waterproofing Schluter Kerdi Membrane. Next we were able to install the tile using Premium Plus. This was a bit more tricky than a regular  shower surround because the client asked us to do the ceiling to prevent against any future water damage. Because of the size of tile, we took extra precautions to prevent the tile from falling while drying – providing it with the support of a 2×4. For the bathroom floor we used 253 Gold Laticrete Mortar and the self-leveling clips to ensure there was no lippage from tile to tile. The shower surround and bathroom floor were both grouted using a high performance, stain resistant Prism Grout.

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