Marble Imitation Statuario 24×24″ Polished


Price per Sq. ft.: $6.45
Sq. ft. per piece: 4
Pieces per box: 4
Sq. ft. per box: 16



Dramatic grey veining against a natural white background creates an authentic-looking marble imitation. A beautifully done porcelain print. This tile is an excellent choice for those desiring the look of marble coupled with the durability of porcelain.

The size and quality of this porcelain print allow for 32 different patterns in the 12×24 size, 16 different patterns in the 24×24 size, and 8 different patterns in the 24×48 size. What does this mean for you? The high variation of the tiles offer a more realistic imitation, as patterns don’t often repeat among the tiles.

Additional information

Dimensions 23.6 × 23.6 × .38 cm

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